Mrs. Janet
Nursery Teacher Ages 0-3 years
Mrs. Janet is certified in CPR, has her CDA (Child Development Associate), and has been the owner of a Childcare Group Home Facility since 2001.
Available All Services
Mrs. Christen
1st & 2nd grade
Sunday School
Mr. Harvey & Mrs. Lisa Gore
3rd, 4th & 5th grade
Sunday School
Mrs. Megan
Children's Church
Sunday Evening
Mr. Billy
9th thru 12th
Sunday School
Mrs. Toni
6th, 7th & 8th
Sunday School
Justin & Elizabeth Jeffcoats
Children's Church
Sunday Evenings
Bobby & Jessica
Middlers class 3rd-6th grade
Sunday Evening
Levi & Amanda West
Children's Church
Sunday Evening
Vonda Gore
Children’s Church
Sunday Evening
Chase & Jennifer
Children’s Church
Sunday Evening